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All Hallows Eve

Our students enjoyed dressing up for our All Hallows Eve celebration as we prepare for All Saints Day tomorrow. 
What a great night! Thank you to all members of our ohana and the wider community who came along to support the Fall Festival Fundraiser and Food Truck Event. The music, food and atmosphere was sensational and we can't wait for the next one. Mahalo!
October 2 is the Feast of the Guardian Angels. Our Lady of Good Counsel students celebrated this feast day with a special uniform, art competitions, a morning assembly and many other activities. We pray with thanks for our Guardian Angels. 
Our students were lucky enough to have Steve Angrisano perform live for us at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. The students really enjoyed the concert which was lively, interactive and energetic. Mahalo to Our Lady of Good Counsel Church for organizing this event for us - everyone who attended walked away feeling inspired.

"Steve Angrisano is undoubtedly one of the most effective and versatile ministry leaders in the Church today. Young and old alike embrace the passionate message of faith, hope and love woven throughout his music and storytelling.

Always rooted in a spirit of humility and faithfulness, Steve’s easy, honest style of ministry is born from who he is: a committed witness to the life and love of Jesus Christ." taken from http://www.steveangrisano.com/about/

Mahalo and farewell, Mrs. Ledesma! Thank you for your service and faithfulness to OLGC. You will be sadly missed. God bless.
We celebrate Mass every Thursday at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. Please join us at 8.15 any Thursday during the school year!